How is the Shiba Inu?
Origin, appearance and temperament
Let's learn the basics of this beautiful breed...
Origin of the Shiba Inu
After World War II it was on the verge of disappearing, but thanks to the breeding programs promoted by the government of Japan and the incipient notoriety that the breed was beginning to gain abroad, in a short time it overcame the crisis and began its history of success . In 1928 the Nippon-ken Hozonkai (NIPPO) was founded, which today is the most important club for the promotion of the breed, and in 1932 the Shiba Inu obtained the qualification of National Treasure, which helped a lot to protect the breed.
Shiba Inu appearance and characteristics
It has hard hair and a thin, soft and dense undercoat, slightly longer and in the direction of the tail. Their coat color is usually reddish, sesame or black with tan spots. All colors must have urajiro spots (between cream and white) on the cheeks, on the inside of the ears, on the sides and lower part of the muzzle, on the throat, on the inside of the limbs, on the abdomen and around the tail. It has well developed muscles. It is a fast, agile and beautiful dog.
Shiba Inu temperament
The Shiba, like the Akita, is a very intelligent dog. It is aware of any detail that passes around and is able to distinguish enemies easily. It also knows who can trust, it is not a dog that causes trouble. It is patient and calm, capable of defending its loved ones if necessary. It will never start a fight, however it will always be able to finish it. The Shiba Inu is a very elegant dog. It has a sophisticated, refined, simple and proportionate appearance, which helps it stand out from other dogs.