Akita Inu facts and other curiosities

Difference between japanese Akita and american Akita

For many people, these two races are similar. However, the reality is that they are not. At first glance it is easy to distinguish one from the other, because their physical characteristics and appearance differ markedly.

The main difference is in the color. As we already know, the Japanese Akita is characterized by its red, white, sesame or brindle coat, while the American Akita can be of different colors. In fact, the standard of this breed does not designate a specific color or pattern, but rather the variety is accepted. Generally speaking, the American Akita is solid white in color, with some brown or reddish spots all over the body, and a black “mask” that makes it very distinctive.

With regard to the size and physical characteristics, the first thing to say is that the American Akita is usually quite larger than the Japanese Akita. Approximately and on average, we are talking about 10 centimeters and 15 kilos of difference. In terms of facial composition, the face and skull of the American Akita resemble those of a bear, while those of the Japanese Akita resemble those of a fox. Finally, we can add that the American Akita has a much more muscular and strong body, while the Japanese Akita (although it is also strong) has a little more defined body.

Perfil de un Akita Americano para distinguir los rasgos físicos
Akita Americano
Akita Inu de perfil para distinguir los rasgos de la raza
Akita Inu
Perfil de un Akita Americano para distinguir los rasgos físicos
Akita Americano

Difference between Akita Inu and Shiba Inu

Akita Inu posando para foto
Akita Inu
Frente de un Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu

The Akita and the Shiba are quite different dogs with distant genetics. With a little observation and knowing what to look for it is possible to distinguish them easily.

Regarding the size, we must say that there is a clear difference. The Akita Inu is, approximately and on average, about 20 centimeters and about 20 kilos larger than the Shiba Inu.

As for color, the reddish tone in the coat of both types of dogs is striking, and being a trait they share, it is generally a bad reference to differentiate them. It is best to look at the light areas of both dog’s hair. In the case of the Akita it is a pure white, while in the Shiba the hair tends to be cream or a less bright white.

Finally, regarding the distinctive characteristics, we can mention that the head of the Akita Inu is round and larger compared to the head of the Shiba Inu. And, in addition, the Shiba has less “stop” than the Akita.

Frente de un Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu

The Hachiko legend

Histórica foto del legendario Akita Inu llamado Hachiko

This breed is strongly linked to Hachiko, an Akita Inu that lived with its owner in Japan in the 1930s. After its owner’s death, this Akita continued to go for years, day after day, to the train station where they used to meet to go home. Workers at the station, shocked by the dog’s loyalty, began feeding and caring for it during the time it was waiting.

Hachiko was found dead 10 years later in the place of the station where he used to wait for his master, and for that reason it was decided to build a statue in his memory and honor.

“Hachi: A dog’s tale” movie

Film Hachi: A Dog's Tale about history of Hachiko
Hachi: A dog's tale (2009)

Based on the famous legend of Hachiko, this remake of the 1987 Japanese film teaches us, in a very emotional way, the endless friendship between dog and man.

The film was released in 2009, and starred the acclaimed actor Richard Gere. It was very successful in most of the countries, and made more than one of us shed a tear with its outcome.

An interesting and curious fact about this film is that it became so popular that the tourism managers of the area where it was filmed created a brochure for tourists to recognize the locations.

When does an Akita stop growing?

Cachorro Akita Inu chiquito
Akita Inu adulto parado y jugando con el dueño

Akita breed dogs are considered young after one year, adults after 2 years and old after 7 years, having an average lifespan from 10 to 15 years. Males are considered fully developed when they reach 4 years of age, while females generally when they reach 2 years of age.

Akita Inu adulto parado y jugando con el dueño